Singraven Estate
The last tenant and owner of Singraven Estate mr.W.F.J.Laan was known as a passionate forester and a lover of gardens. On a base of a very balanced personal view he realised his ideal picture in the course of years: a richly afforested estate in English landscapstyle. He called in the expertise of the landscape architect Leonard Springer and professor Becking of the Wageningen Agriculture Highschool. In 1932 Mr Laan ordered to arrange the park and to design an arboretum.Leonard Springer used for his design a mixture of the formal style with straight lines close to the House, for instance in the kitchen-garden and the English landscape style with bowed lines, surprising vistas and winding waterparts for the somewhat farther parts of the park. Since 2015 a fish passage has been built on Singraven Estate in cooperation with the juridiction of the waterboard””Vechtstromen”. By this fish-passage fish can swim upstream to pass the waterfall.
Arboretum Singraven
In the Singraven arboretum you find a large collection of particular trees such as the handkerchief-tree,tulip-tree,varians maple-trees,magnolia,snowflake-tree and shrubs from the moderate climate zones from different parts of the world. Of course you may find here special birds such as the pied woodpacker,black woodpacker and the apple-finch.
Adres: Molendijk 37, 7591 PT Denekamp